" My healing isn't a choice to abandon others, it's a choice to no longer abandon myself."
~Elezabeth Symond
Hello, Dear Soul...
In the beginning there was only embodiment.
We were born whole, aligned, and connected to the higher wisdom that we called home.
Entering in human form as old souls in new bodies -- thrusted into unpredictable environments with a way to navigate unknown landscapes that laid ahead.
This world had its way with us, didn't it?
It pushed us down and forced us to adapt or perish.
So we did what any other being in nature does when wounded, we healed around the wound, toughened up, and pushed through.
We became survivors. We decided we were on our own and we did what was necessary to make it through the uncertainty called life.
We honed our skills of hyper-vigilance and became ever-so-ready to run from danger.
We stretched our energetic bodies so that we would always know what the people around us needed.
We anticipated their every move, their every need.
We became master of "reading the room," picking up on every subtle facial expression, hearing every minute change of tone in their voice.
Because if they were happy we were safe.
Thus, the birth of the people pleaser.
These skills were very needed when we were young. And thank goodness we learned to sharpen them!
But over time, the skills we used to survive begin to do more harm than good. And yet, they are so embedded into our program that we barely recognize that they are still running our lives.
Long term usage of these skills and coping mechanisms eventually degrade into chronic abandonment with our own selves.
Where we once used them to hold ourselves though the pain of fearing abandonment, and in some cases we were truly on our own, they have now cultivated a separation of our inner wisdom and our physical body.
While we were so busy trying to survive we didn't realize that our spirit doesn't actually occupy our bodies. We are disconnected.e have disassociated from our central core.
We became split. Our awareness was so focused on everything outside of us that we forgot about our own body.
And once we live in a state of chronic self-abandonment so many other things break down.
- We lose our connection with our inner knowing, our inner wisdom
- Our innate intuition begins to dwindle, eventually becoming a tall tale
- The trust we have for ourselves is non-existent
- We feel the need to ask everyone else
- There is a constant sense that something is missing and we search high and low for that missing element
- We do not know, own, or defend our internal value
- There are no healthy boundaries
- We easily feel overwhelmed in groups, locations, or events
We eventually become one of two types of people: Shadow Masculine or Shadow Feminine.
- Shadow Masculine people are the ones that "doesn't need anyone's help." They will prove to you that they are not weak / a burden / incapable / lazy, whatever adjective you can put there. They are pressed so far into the front of their energetic space that they cannot stop and catch their breath. They are burning the engines and only know how to keep going.
- Shadow Feminine are people that prefer to be invisible because that is where they feel safest. It isn't that they want to be, it's just that the risk of being a target of attack is greater than their desire to be active participants of their life. They are so far back in their field that any energy they come into contact with will take up the space meant for them. There is a tendency to feel overwhelmed by others often.
Both versions are unhealthy and keep the person locked into chronic self-abandonment. This makes it impossible to know inner peace, to feel one's innate value, and to experience the connection with our divine blueprint.
It's time to come back, my love. It's time to come home.

What is your Divine Blueprint?
To put it in the most simplest of terms, your Divine Blueprint is your original, desired form when you came into this lifetime.
It is your original plan for who you wanted to be in this world.
Your Blueprint is the overarching trajectory before anything disrupted your journey.
And as we all know, life IS a chaotic, unknowable place. Try as we may to stick to the plan, life will interrupt.
These interruptions are called imprints. The decisions we make in order to survive, the programs that are handed down to us through generational trauma, and the beliefs we form as we try to make our way through are imprints.
Imprints interrupt the Blueprint, get us off track and thwart our journey for love, connection, and peace. Nothing we can change about that, it's what happens.
But now we know a way back to our Blueprint!
We're not lost. We're not broken. We just didn't trust it was safe in the midst of all the surviving we were doing.
But now dear one, it's time to come back into alignment and to fully embody your Divine Plan.

Here's what embodying your Blueprint looks like:

Inner Presence
To walk through the world fully embodied is to walk with both inner and outer presence. Self-abandonment taught us to only focus on the possible external dangers surrounding us. Blueprint embodiment heals those wounds and allows you to maintain a dual awareness with both your external world in how you interact with others and with your internal sense of self, to make appropriate choices that will support your greatest well-being.

Amplified Field
Becoming fully anchored within the Divine Blueprint something profound begins to occur. Your energetic field begins to amplify amplifying naturally. An amplified field means ease in manifestation, an increase in intuition, and becoming energetically attractive to those around you. There is a quality that draws others in, that makes them want to get to know you. Opportunities present themselves, doors begin to open!

Unshakable Boundaries
Once the Blueprint is felt, experienced, and begins to feel natural, there is a deep desire to want to protect your progress. The parts in you that cared more about the comfort of others, even at your own detriment, dissolve. You are unshakable in your focus to honor your energetic space and no longer allow others to take without reciprocation. Your life becomes a sacred practice in nurturing and tending to this new being you are becoming.

Healing the Nervous System
Personally, nothing is more important than the health and regulation of our nervous system. Navigating this world is so difficult when we are living in a constant fight or flight mode, not knowing one minute to another is the danger is real or perceived. Embodying the Blueprint heals the nervous system, de-escalates trauma responses, and allows you to move in the world with power and purpose. It's time to un-learn what early childhood taught us.

Connected to Divine Rhythm
Becoming embodied fully connects you to your inner wisdom. For many of us, we either don't know how to slow down and rest, or we don't know how to get into action. Embodiment amplifies what is internally known. We become connected to what I call, the Divine Rhythm. We are able to rest, to pause and reset when we need to, all without guilt imprints. Other times, we'll know when it is time to spring into action, but without the burnout.

Connected to Community
Living is a state of self-abandonment leads us to not trust ourselves, which then means we don't trust others. And I can tell you firsthand, it's a very lonely place. When you're able to align with our Blueprint it makes it possible to connect with others. Your hardened walls soften, internal self-trust returns, and you begin to allow others into your world. Vulnerability isn't a scary word because the internal trust returns and you know you are truly safe in the world.
Here's what Lisa said after only one Embodied Soul session!

Embodied Soul Sessions
These private, 1:1 sessions are simple enough in nature, but the power of this work goes deep! Embodied Soul sessions are the cornerstone to embodying your Divine Blueprint. If this is a brand new conversation for you, or if you understand embodiment but want to go deeper with an easier practice, this is where you begin!
For each call, I walk you through a gentle visualization to not only discover your Blueprint but will also teach you how to anchor in and make it a permanent place for you to reside. Every session is different, depending on the person and the guidance that arises. But each one is designed to bring you back home to yourself.
- Online only through Zoom
- 3 sessions at 45 minutes each
- Includes recordings of sessions
Embodied Soul Sessions - $197 for all three

Solignment Breath Workshop
Ready to go deeper? This 3-hour workshop includes the explanation, practice, and personalized experience of Embodied Soul and the SOLignmentTM Breath Process. First, the workshop where I explain the intention and practice of these powerful techniques. Then you'll experience a full SOLignmentTM breath session, with me guiding the group the whole way.
- In person & online options
- 3 hours of gentle instruction and guidance through the full Embodied Soul & SOLignmentTM breath processes
- If you want to discuss creating your own private event for you and your friends, schedule a consultation HERE and we'll discuss the details
- If you want to attend an online workshop, go here: Online Workshop
Classes are every three months starting in January 2025.
This workshop is required if you want to become a member of Breath Circle.
Workshop Price: $57 / per workshop or free for members of Breath Circle
1:1 Breath Sessions
Private 1:1 breath sessions that will transform your life. I will guide you through the SOLignmentTM Breath Process every step of the way. This particular style of breath work is designed to fully anchor you within your body and bring forth the imprints that are hindering your growth. Through the breath the imprints are moved out of the body in a very gentle way. This offering is only available as a package of 10 due to the process being a layered healing journey. Each session prepares you to go even deeper in the next session, and so on.
- In person only (online options coming for 2025)
- Sessions are 90 minutes each
- Scheduled 2-3 times per month over the course of 4 months
- Wear clothing that will not bind your breathing (You are fully clothed but on a massage table)
- We'll debrief after each session to bring closure to your journey and to answer any questions you haveÂ
- Can also be used in conjunction with coaching sessions - ask me for more information
Package of 10 sessions - 75 minutes each: $1111 (Save $81)
Payment Plan option: $298 per month for 4 months
Breath Circle Members get exclusive offers for private sessions.
Your best first step is to click the link below to schedule a consultation. There I'll explain the process and what to expect, we'll discuss payment options, and get you scheduled for your first session.

The Embodied Sanctuary
This is perfect for anyone wanting to dive deeper, explore further, and embrace who they are in this world. You can attend on your own or bring a friend. In this sanctuary I am able to put my entire focus on your embodiment journey.
- One or two person private retreats
- Lodging for 4 nights
- SOLignmentTM Breath sessions each day
- Cacao Ceremony
- Guided journey through various topics and practices
- Breakfast each morning included
- Soul enriching guided meditations
- Detailed Personality Report (Ennegram, Spiritual Path, & MBTI Reports)
Investment: $2497 (Bring a friend for only an additional $1497)
Payment Plans are available - If travel is required there may be additional fees
Start by scheduling a consultation and we'll go over all the details to see what we can create together:
Check out what Carrie said!
"I have explored various personal development avenues like therapy, support groups, 12-step programs, self-help, and yoga. However, working with Morrighan Lynne using this innovative approach has led to unexpected and significant breakthroughs. Morrigan’s expertise as a facilitator and healer is remarkable in aligning me with my inner self. Her unique perspective brings a fresh dimension to this field, reflecting her own journey of growth. I highly recommend these sessions; Morrighan’s gentle and loving approach creates a safe environment where personal growth naturally unfolds. Aligning with our soul's purpose can be a smooth journey with the proper guidance, and Morrighan has excelled in leading me toward that path."
~Carrie R, Macon, GA
What can you expect when you work with me?
#1: You are safe, seen, and held in your sacred experience. To truly reach the level of healing we all crave, we must first know that we are safe. This is my number one priority in all things I do. If you do not feel safe, you will not be open to the possibility of healing what is wounded within you. So first, we work together to establish safety. First, within your own body and then, in your relationships. That is the foundation for miracles to occur.
#2: You will experience a level of connection with yourself that you may have never felt before. Throughout our lives we had to learn to push our authentic selves down in order to fit in, to survive. We did this so well that we eventually forgot who we were. One of my focuses when working with people isn't necessarily about teaching them anything, it's more about helping them remember. Unearthing for you, the whole and healed version of who you truly are so that you can make a huge impact on the world around you.
#3: If you allow it, you will walk into life, forever healed of some very old patterns and wounds of your past. My primary focus in my work is to facilitate and support lifelong healing. Sounds impossible? I know. We've all done ALOT of work on ourselves and it can sometimes feel like the work never ends. But if you can come to the table with an open mind and a willing heart, I can promise you will not be the same person when we are complete. Some of your wounds will simply no longer need to exist and you will find a peace within that you've never known.
#4: A deeper alignment with your spirit team and a renewed conviction of why you decided to be born at this time. We are all here for a purpose on this planet. Yet through the experience of life we tend to get clouded, overwhelmed, and get thrusted into survival mode, forgetting the passionate purpose of our existence. My job is to support you in removing all that has bogged you down, covered you up, and kept you in the dark. Like an onion, we'll move through the layers of darkness and bring you into the light. It's time for you to remember your wholeness and to get you moving along your path.
Tammy showing some love!

"My experience working with Morrighan has changed my life and I believe, literally saved my life. I went through a very dark time and all that I had learned leading up to that and the time I spent in coaching and classes with her during that time gave me what I needed to get through it. There are so many healing moments but a few that stand out the most are really understanding my value and not compromising that, the damage done by parents can be healed and that asking for help from the trustworthy is a good thing. Giving really doesn't have a benefit unless you are willing to also receive. There has to be balance. Morrighan leads from a place of authenticity, honesty, and openness. She is not afraid of her own healing and gently (and sometime not so gently) leads you though your healing. She is a blessing as a teacher, leader, and friend."
~Tammy Wells, TX

I'm looking forward to working with you!
It has always been my passion to assist people in whatever situation they may find themselves. We can't always control what we experience in life. Some days we're flying high with the angels, and the next day we might come crashing down into the dark abyss. I believe, it isn't so much about controlling your experience, although we work very hard trying. It's more about having the proper tools to navigate anything that comes our way.
The good news is, you don't have to do it alone. I've made a career out of supporting people through certain situations that perhaps at the time can feel insurmountable. Sometimes those spaces are too painful to face alone. Other times they are hidden within our blind spot and we aren't even aware they are there.
 That's where someone like me comes in. I am able to hold you in the safest of spaces, walk with you towards the disruption in your subconscious space, support you to work through whatever is needed to bring the wound to a completion, and walk you back out into the light.
If you have any questions about what I do or you're not sure if I can help your particular situation, please reach out. There is always something to do about what is going on. No one is meant to suffer. That isn't our path. Contact me with your questions, we'll see what we can do for you.